Welcome to Ananda Chico!
The Ananda Meditation Center of Chico is dedicated to providing an atmosphere for your experience of Self-realization – the awareness that your true nature is joyful, loving, peaceful and calm. Through the ancient practice of meditation and Kriya Yoga, brought to the west by Paramhansa Yogananda, you can expand your sense of harmony in this world, and gain an increased sense of God’s loving presence in your life. Meet the challenges and victories of your own spiritual journey in the company of friends who support your inner growth and higher aspirations.
Yogananda’s teachings (expressed through himself and his direct disciple Swami Kriyananda) embrace the truths that underlie all the great religions. Yoga philosophy and practice can rapidly change your life for the better and help you overcome negativity in all forms. Whether your goal is to become calmer, more effective, healthy, happy, or kind, or to deepen your spiritual awareness and devotion to God, our teachings and techniques offer a clear roadmap to your destination, and practical tools to make it possible.
People from all faiths and backgrounds are welcomed at the Ananda Meditation Center.
What We Offer
- A quiet environment for meditation
- Meditation Instruction, based on the Kriya Yoga technique
- Ananda Yoga classes
- Private Meditation Instruction
- Courses and book study groups to enhance your spiritual life
- Workshops and special events with guest ministers
- Kirtans (spiritual chanting)
- Fellowship of like-minded souls (Satsang)
- Spiritual Counseling
- Healing Prayers
- Lending Library of spiritual materials
- Spiritual Boutique
- Group visits to Ananda Village in Nevada City and other Ananda communities
- Preparation for those interested in Kriya Yoga Initiation