Many people are touched by the Healing Prayer ministry offered at Ananda Chico. When we receive special requests, we hold a special healing prayer circle. During this session, we offer ourselves as willing channels for Divine Healing Energy to flow to those in need, utilizing techniques for healing at a distance by Paramhansa Yogananda.
How does healing take place? Yogananda often said that healing depends on the power of the healer and the receptivity of the patient. We understand that everyone has karmic lessons that must be learned and everyone is not receptive to the prayers that are offered. But even medical research has shown that those who are prayed for recuperate more quickly than those who receive no prayers. So we pray, and send healing energy with faith that if healing does or does not occur on a physical level, hearts will be uplifted and consciousness will be raised by surrounding needy souls in healing energy and light. Frequently, we hear stories of lives heading in a new direction after prayers are sent out
The Healing Prayer Technique:
Those in attendance request healing of body, mind, or soul for those in need. As a group, we repeat the healing prayers as taught by Yogananda, then send out healing energy. We also pray for our planet and all souls in need.
Our Healing Prayer group continues to pray for people daily until our next healing session. Many successful healing breakthroughs have taken place in the days following our powerful prayer sessions.
We welcome you to join us and to be a willing channel for Divine Healing. As Yogananda often said, “The channel is blessed by what flows through it.” By offering healing to others, we are healed and blessed as well.